Friends of Reemi talks with Beka Hope

Friends of Reemi 03 | Beka Hope

Here we talk to Friends of Reemi that are doing some incredible things and shedding light on their experience with periods and bringing these conversations into normal everyday spaces. 

Today, we are excited to chat to the aesthetic genius behind Reemi! A true creative that has refined her skillset in both photography and design (and very new foray into ceramics). You will see her work all over Aotearoa without knowing that Beka is the creative behind packaging at Crushes, photography with Okewa and the branding at Little 'Lato. We love working with Beka because she takes such care. Beka from her own creative agency for Friends of Reemi.

Break down for us what you do and why you're passionate about it
I do graphic design and photography for small businesses, organisations and brands around Aotearoa. It’s super fun because I get to work on a lot of different projects, helping people communicate their passion in a way that appeals to others. I’m passionate about design that gets the job done efficiently as well as beautifully. 

If you could solve one issue what would it be? 
The big question! It’s tricky because I think so many issues are interlinked. Poverty, climate change, war, violence - these issues all feed into each other. I would love to figure out the root cause for all of these issues, and solve that. I think if there was less greed and more care for others in the world perhaps we’d be on the right track.

What's something that's been delighting you recently? 
I’ve been in lockdown in Tāmaki Makaurau for the last 6 weeks and last weekend we got those bake-your-own croissants from the freezer section and sat in the sun eating fresh croissants and drinking coffee. A small and very delightful moment!

How would you define beauty?
I think that it’s the love and kindness inside someone making its way out. It’s also the sunsets, the mountains, the waves, the flowers.  

Do you remember the first time you got your period? What was your experience like?
Oh yeah! I was confused because I thought there would be more blood. I was excited to join the period club but those feels didn’t last long when I realised how inconvenient and sneaky this little amount of blood could be.

What was the culture around menstruation like for you growing up? 
My mum talked about it with me before it happened and as it happened, but I was kinda squeamish and not interested in normalising bleeding with my 4 brothers or my dad. So after the big event I didn’t really talk about it, and dealt with it as quietly as possible. I was always very aware of my moods and didn’t want to “blame” anything on my period. I didn’t want it to stop me doing anything I wanted to do!

Wanna share your biggest *hot mess* moment with your period
One time I was photographing an event, got my period while photographing said event, had to keep photographing for 2 hours, then when the shoot was over I was driving to a location with a bathroom to deal with the chaos, and I got a flat tyre and had to wait another hour in my car for AA to come and save me. A very bad time.

Have you learnt any new vagina/vulva/uterus related facts or myths you didn't know? 
The hymen is not what you think it is! Virginity doesn’t exist!

Lastly, we love food at Reemi. What's your go-to 'feel good' snack when you're bleeding? 
I don’t really get period cravings, but my go-to snack at any time of the month is sourdough toast with olive oil and salt, and I try to drink lots of water because somehow I feel like that will make everything easier!

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