
Reemi is committed to a culture of integrity, transparency and accountability.

If you have any concerns or complaints you wish to raise about Reemi, its partners or working practices, please feel free to contact us using one of the following options:


Mail to:
10f Morningside Drive
Morningside, Auckland
Attention: CEO

Or you can request a confidential interview with the Reemi New Zealand CEO.

For accessibility, alternative formats can be requested for disseminating information about the complaints process and arrangements for recording a complaint.


Whistleblowing, and whistleblower protections, create an important pathway for both external community and internal workplace participant reporting of concerns and suspicion of illegal or dishonest activity relating to Reemi’s work.

Reemi requires the reporting of conduct that a person has reasonable grounds to suspect is misconduct, wrongdoing, or an improper state of affairs, relating to Reemi, its partners or any related entities.

If you have not received satisfactory responses through the channels above, or should you have reasonable grounds to believe you should report outside of Reemi management, you may write to the Reemi Board Chairperson at who will ensure confidentiality and that the right parties are included/excluded from the report.

Please also note that Reemi is a member of the Council for International Development (CID) and is a signatory to the CID Code of Conduct. The Code requires members to meet high standards of corporate governance, public accountability and financial management. Complaints relating to alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct by any signatory agency can be made to the CID Code of Conduct Committee.

More information about the CID Code of Conduct can be obtained from Reemi and from CID by email: